About Us

Sustainable, Reliable & Affordable Energy!

Expert Solar Panel Installation & Maintenance

When it comes to solar panel installation, our team of professionals is unmatched in their expertise. With a proven track record of successfully fitting PV panels for numerous customers in the South of the United Kingdom, we have the experience to handle installations for both domestic and commercial properties.

No matter the specifics of your requirements, we have the skills to design and install a customised solar system that perfectly suits your needs. By choosing our services, you're taking a significant step towards embracing a greener and more sustainable future of energy.

01202 232195


Our Services

Domestic Solar

Dedicated to building the perfect solar system for your home.

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Commercial Solar

Helping you maximise efficiency for your business.

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Battery Storage

Utilise your unused energy, never waste electricity again.

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Electric Vehicle Charging Points

Experts in creating an efficient and streamlined chargin system that seamlessly integreated with your home's PV panels.

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NICEIC Approved Contractors

Qualified electricians with 30+ years experience in installations, maintenance, and repairs.

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30+ Years of Experience in Electrical Excellence

Ensuring The Longevity of Solar Systems

Solar thermal and solar PV panels are known for their impressive lifespan of approximately 25 years. However, it's important to note that the associated solar inverters typically have a shorter lifespan of around 10-12 years. This means that they may need to be replaced at least once during the panels' lifetime. The power inverters play a critical role in the safe and efficient operation of your solar panels.

To maintain the optimal performance of your solar system, it is essential to prioritise regular maintenance and upkeep. Our team specialises in providing comprehensive maintenance services for both solar thermal and solar PV panels. By entrusting us with the care of your panels and inverters, you can ensure their longevity and maximise their efficiency.

Don't overlook the importance of maintaining your solar system. Contact us today to schedule a maintenance check and safeguard the smooth operation of your solar panels and inverters for years to come.

Our Client Reviews

What People Say About Us

Thomas Smith

Founder & CEO

Martin Hope

Pro Systems Founder

John Peter

Eco Systems Founder
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The Best Solution For Your Green Goals

We are dedicated to providing exceptional services in solar panel installation, repair, and maintenance. Our team of engineers specialises in maximising the value of your green energy investment.

Solar Panels
Battery Storage
EV Charging Points
Electrical Services
Improving The Performance Of Solar Energy.

Join the green movement and use iteQ Solar today.

Submit your contact information to get in touch with a member of our team.

01202 232195

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